About Me

I am the 2013 AFA Adviser of the Year, Head of Strategy and director of JBS Financial Strategists a boutique financial planning company in Melbourne, specialising in SMSF’s and personal Risk Insurance.


After being retrenched from a major advertising company in late 1990, I started my foray into sales and learned to love listening to motivational and inspirational tapes on how to believe anything is possible. In 1992 I answered an advertisement; “think and grow rich, if you want to earn $40,000 call ….” so I did and this started my illustrious career in financial services.


The rest is history….


I am passionate about being able to help others and this has grown, along with my love for Networking and Social Media. I have been fortunate over the years to meet many fabulous and successful people who have run their own businesses or been key executives in business. They have taught me many skills and I have learned many lessons by running my own small business.


Through networking at BNI Business Alliance I was fortunate to meet the wonderful Julie Hyde who early in 2012 founded Leaders and Lattes a networking group for professional women in business and corporate leadership. Through this connection JBS has been a proud major sponsor from inception and we have provided support to members to help them start out in business and set the parameters for their success.


I am involved in several business advisory groups where I discuss with small business the issues they face in running their respective enterprises. I also sit on a couple of Business Advisory Boards helping women in business.


As the treasurer and custodian of two investment funds in a pro bono role of Tintern Old Girls Association (TOGA), I get to see and experience many more facets of business, all this has helped shape me and my vision for the future.


At JBS I have an awesome client focused team with good longevity, who are the engine driving JBS’s success and we invest heavily in team development to keep everyone happy and motivated. This pays enormous dividends for the business and I highly recommend this for other business owners who I consult to.


I am passionate about helping people – both clients and my team attain financial security and preserving their future hopes and dreams, it’s about giving them peace of mind and helping them achieve their goals.


I love building great relationships that often turn into friendships. I delight in investing in the professional development of our staff. When my team is happy and working at their optimum, our clients are happy and the rewards are universal. This is the legacy I want to leave JBS. We are a thriving, client driven practice that will flourish long after my retirement.


My Motto | Love what you do and Smile it costs nothing and makes you and those around you feel better 🙂

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