Why Social Media?

I often hear people say social or digital media is a waste of time. According to who? The power of social media is highly underrated. It offers a perfect chance for people to see who you are and what you are Continue reading Why Social Media?

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10 Hot Tips for Successful Negotiations

We turned to one of the best negotiators in the business, Craig Devlin from Devlin & Co, to share his top tips with us to negotiate successfully.  Craig also provides some of his best techniques so you can identify when Continue reading 10 Hot Tips for Successful Negotiations

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Why it pays to get the right advice…

Recently a young client in his early 20s approached his industry super fund.  As he was self-employed, he had decided to take out a policy for Death, Total and Permanent Disablement, and most importantly, income protection.  He wanted to ensure Continue reading Why it pays to get the right advice…

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